The Imperial Guard is one of my favorite armies to collect. I've had more than one in my gaming career but I've never been very good at playing them. For a time, they were (and still are) all the rage in the tourney scene but I just can't seem to get them to work. I've tried foot slogging. I've tried mech. I've tried just about every other combo but I can't seem to win consistently with them. However, I do love painting the humble Imperial trooper. These guys are just a sample of my Valhallan IG which I'm painting up as a city fight army. There's not much different about the actual list, but I am giving all of the bases some urban rubble. I'm not too keen on the final color of the wrap/bags on the Sgt. and I think I'm going to re-paint with the standard GW color scheme. I may add some more highlights to the rubble as well so it's not so dark.