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Showing posts from December, 2020

Space Wolves Chaplain Wolf Priest

  My Space Wolf, Wolf Priest turned Chaplain for my Sea Wolves army.  I've been trying a desaturated look to the army in an attempt to be more Blanchitsu-style. Reds are browns, yellow are tans, etc. I'm a little annoyed that some of the bespoke units have been homogenized  into regular marine versions, but I'm sure this too will pass

Wolfguard Space Wolf

A recently finished Wolfguard with combi-melta for my  Space Wolves army - the Sea Wolves. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #new40k #28mag #grimdark #blanchitsu #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #warhammercommunity #new40k #spacemarines40k

Space Wolves Rune Priest

Space Wolf Librarian, nay Rune Priest, for my Sea Wolves, slightly converted from a metal Vanguard Veteran.  I tried to paint in a desaturated style and make my Wolves more grim dark than my other models. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #blanchitsu #spacemarines40k #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #warhammercommunity #new40k #28mag #conversion