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Showing posts from August, 2013

I say!

Anyone who knows me, knows that most of my favorite things are British, including the Zulu Wars themed (and festooned with pith helmets) Imperial Guard army - the Praetorians. I had a Praetorian army when the Armageddon book was first released but due to a shortage of funds and mounting student loan payments, I sold them off. It was one of the worst decisions in my war gaming career. I'm known to have ADD when it comes to army selection and I regularly buy and trade away armies but losing my Praetorians was a huge mistake. Afterword, I bitched. I moaned. I whined to anyone who would listen. I loved those models. I loved to field them, I loved to paint them. I would even use my various English accents as I played them to the consternation of my opponents. It turns out, they are quite popular and there weren't a lot of the models made. Anyone with a middle-school economics understanding knows that makes these models expensive. So pricey, you could spell expen$ive with a dol...

Pre Heresy Death Guard

Big Red's Pre Heresy Death Guard army from Bell of Lost Souls make me want a pre Heresy army of my own. I kind of want Death Guard too, but I'd also like Raven Guard or the much harder to paint, Imperial Fists. I'll likely just expand my Space Wolves though, because, who needs a third Space Marine army? The Horus Heresy: Betrayal book is fantastic and may be the best product Games Workshop or Forgeworld has ever put out. It's so tempting...