Anyone who knows me, knows that most of my favorite things are British, including the Zulu Wars themed (and festooned with pith helmets) Imperial Guard army - the Praetorians. I had a Praetorian army when the Armageddon book was first released but due to a shortage of funds and mounting student loan payments, I sold them off. It was one of the worst decisions in my war gaming career. I'm known to have ADD when it comes to army selection and I regularly buy and trade away armies but losing my Praetorians was a huge mistake. Afterword, I bitched. I moaned. I whined to anyone who would listen. I loved those models. I loved to field them, I loved to paint them. I would even use my various English accents as I played them to the consternation of my opponents. It turns out, they are quite popular and there weren't a lot of the models made. Anyone with a middle-school economics understanding knows that makes these models expensive. So pricey, you could spell expen$ive with a dol...