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Showing posts from October, 2013

One of those games...

Saturday I played in a 1,500 point tournament at the Gatekeeper. I thought it was going to be a 2,500 point tourney, but that has been pushed back to November. Since my Logan Wing list couldn't be taken, I grabbed my Blood Angel Drop Pod list and headed to the store. (1 Chaplain, 1 Death Company, 7 Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods.) I knew I didn't have any scoring units, but since I was disappointed that I couldn't play the list I wanted to, I would just be stomping around for fun. My first game was against Danny - normally a Dark Eldar player who was playing his new Tau list. It was fairly typical, Longstrike, two Riptides, and the other usual Tau that make up the list. The mission had four objectives so I thought I'd just have to play wipeout - since my vehicles can't contest objectives. Danny and I got in 5 turns and when the dust settled, I got Warlord and First Blood for 2 points. Danny got Linebreaker and couldn't get near the objectives. I won on the lowest...