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Showing posts from December, 2021

40k Space Marines Chaplain

Here's the Interrogator-Chaplain for my Rampant Lions custom Space Marines chapter.  He's converted from the Death Watch Ultramarines Chaplain and carries the Teeth of Terra. Typically, I've been upgrading him to Master of Sanctity with the Litany of Faith and Mantra of Strength and he's been a beast for my opponents to sweep deal with, but he's died every game. #grimdark #warhammercommunity #blanchitsu #28mm #inq28 #spacemarines40k #adeptusastartes #new40k #astartes #homebrewchapter #miniaturepainting #terminator #darkangels

More Space Marine custom chapter

Here are a couple more test models for my custom Space Marine chapter, the Rampant Lions.  I like where these are headed so I've ordered some custom 3D lion symbols for their chapter markings and I'll get those added once the weather is better.  #grimdark #blanchitsu #spacemarines40k #astartes #40kterminators #homebrewchapter #new40k #Warhammer40k 

New Space Marine Custom Chapter Test Model

This is a test model for my new custom Space Marine chapter, the Rampant Lions. I'd like the idea of "space knights" and I want to lean into the imagery from Arthurian legend with more banners, flags, etc. I'll post more fluff about the chapter as I flush it out.  Honestly, I'd rather paint more Astral Claws but they were wiped out before Primaris marines were introduced and I don't want to break fluff just to play with the new models. Frankly, Primaris marines are mostly better choices as game pieces but it seems apocryphal to add the new models and I can't bring myself to do it. It's a fictional future, but damn it, there are rules!  I like the green, silver, and gold combination as a color scheme. I'd love to add more checkers, but I'm not as adapt at painting them as I'd like but practice will make perfect.  Let me know what you think!  #grimdark #warhammercommunity #blanchitsu #28mm #inq28 #spacemarines40k #adeptusastartes #new40k #ast...