Last weekend I played in an Away Games RTT at the Game Café in Independence, Missouri, near Kansas City. I brought my usual Dark Angels Deathwing list and went 1-2. I beat an Imperial Fists player in the first round, I was tabled by Word Bearer and Daemon soup in the second game, and took a frustrating loss against Tyranids in game 3. All of the players I faced were fine folks, but the third game against the Tyranids only got through 3.5 turns… The game was called just after my charge phase at the bottom of turn 4 and I didn’t get to score and took a 20ish point loss. I think I would have won that game if we played all 5 turns and may have won after 4 if we were allowed to play it out. We had the option of putting it on a clock, but I didn’t bother since we weren’t in the running for the podium, but I should have in hindsight. Also of note, I broke my thumb and index finger on my right had recently and trying roll dice, pick up models and “thumb” through a codex was pain i...