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Showing posts from November, 2022

Another Bladeguard Veteran Conversion

Another conversion project for my Space Wolf pack. I think I could keep fussing, but I'm throwing in the towel and call him done. 

Bladeguard Veteran Conversion for Space Wolves

Another Bladeguard Veteran conversion for my Space Wolves is complete! For my money, BGV are one of the best choices for any Space Marine army.  Let me know what you think! 

November RTT results - thumbs down!

Last weekend I played in an Away Games RTT at the Game Café in Independence, Missouri, near Kansas City.   I brought my usual Dark Angels Deathwing list and went 1-2. I beat an Imperial Fists player in the first round, I was tabled by Word Bearer and Daemon soup in the second game, and took a frustrating loss against Tyranids in game 3.   All of the players I faced were fine folks, but the third game against the Tyranids only got through 3.5 turns… The game was called just after my charge phase at the bottom of turn 4 and I didn’t get to score and took a 20ish point loss. I think I would have won that game if we played all 5 turns and may have won after 4 if we were allowed to play it out. We had the option of putting it on a clock, but I didn’t bother since we weren’t in the running for the podium, but I should have in hindsight. Also of note, I broke my thumb and index finger on my right had recently and trying roll dice, pick up models and “thumb” through a codex was pain i...

Space Wolf Bladeguard Veteran Conversion

I started a new Bladeguard Veterans unit for my Space Wolves. I'm loving the spears and chain and I think the rest of the squad will get them too.  Let me know what you think!