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Showing posts from May, 2024

Ork Dakka

 Meta? More dakka! I've always enjoyed pirates and I recently took a vacation in the Bahamas and it was hard not to think about playing and painting a pirate miniature game. I doubt my local gaming group would pick up Firelock or another game system, but as I sat on the sand and watched the waves, I toyed with the idea of painting my Orks as Freebooterz.  I'm repainting my old army already and adding more color would be easy enough to take my Deathskulls in a more swashbuckeling direction. I have some conversation ideas in mind and I'm kind of pumped for this new direction.  Lore wise, there isn't any conflict as most Freebooterz are made up of outcasts from other clans. Mine will just have a heavy Deathskull contingent. To that end, I put a little purple on this lad's shoota to give him some freebooter flair.

Just a grot

 I just finished this surly fellow.