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Showing posts from 2025

Tournament Prep

I've been playing in a Crusade league, plus a pick-up game a week, and occasional GTs with my various Space Marine armies. I win about 1 in 10 games. Oof. I've tried "net listing," watching videos, picking other players brains, etc but I just can't get over the hump. I can't even get to 50-50. I've done everything except paying for online coaching. This last weekend I played two games, one with a player about my level, and another top-20 world ranked  It's weird to say, but a famous player moved to a tiny town near by and he reached out to me for a pickup game. Of course I said yes, hoping to glean the secrets of the winning ways of War-hams from him.  I had a blast but he whooped me good. He gave me some tips, especially on army building and I've been toying around with points to craft the perfect 50-50 list for a Grand Tournament coming up in two weeks.  I'm planning on using the Guilliman-Calgar combo with lots of armor. I keep tweaking it b...

New Social Media Account I've started a new account on Bluesky. I've just been posting mini pics and basically using it as a second Instagram account. Meanwhile on Instagram, I just scored 3,000 followers! I think most of them aren't bots or porn spam. It fluctuates a little as people are fed up with Meta and are deleting accounts but I've been excited that I've hit that 3k milestone.

My first LVO - Flashback to 2017

My first LVO was in 2017. There were 390 players in the Warhammer 40k Champs bracket. There were 1055 registered in this year's 40k Champs. How amazing is that? Finding this old photo brought back some memories. Back in 2017, the Bally's hotel was packed and there were more gamers there than I had ever seen in one place. I've played Warhammer all over the world (well, the US and a game in England) and odds are that the gamers in your neck of the woods are just like the gamers everywhere else. In Vegas, there were a LOT of gamers that reminded me of the gang back home.  I brought my Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation list, including an Imperial Knight. Like usual, I didn't do well on the gaming table but I got to meet a few "Internet famous" folks like Reece from Frontline Gaming, Lawrence from Tabletop Tactics, a professional violin player, and I think I played Brian from Tabletop Titans (long before he started his channel.) The player who might be Brian, slow...

2024 ITC Rankings

Judging by my win-loss record, I've had a terrible year playing Warhammer 40k. Needless to say, I'm flabbergasted at the final rankings of the 2024 ITC season. What?!? I placed in the bottom 10% at the LVO; I placed even worse than players who dropped out after 3 games, so I'm not sure how those points and placings are tabulated, nor how season points are calculated but I'm in the 2,000s for the USA rankings? One bonus though, I'm the top "Dusty" in the world.

Las Vegas Open Results

I had a blast in the Warhammer 40k Champs at the Las Vegas Open. I went with my buddy, Kyle and slugged it out for 3 days of gaming, big crowds, and casino food. Here are a few pics from the event. I only went 1-5 in the Champs and 1-1 in the Sunday RTT but it was still a great weekend of playing games. Two of my losses were a combined 5 points and I felt so close to having a .500 weekend.  Pro tip: Thunder wolf cavalry are tough to play in GW/WTC/Frontline terrain maps. You end up bottlenecked in your own table half. I was my own wolf jail... I'm a little embarrassed by my score, but I learned quite a bit and I think I'm going to focus on my silver Space Marines or Orks for the next year.  #Warhammer40k #lvo2025 #spacewolves40k 

Space Wolves Vindicator

I just finished this Space Wolves Vindicator for my Las Vegas Open army. The "casino cannon" has been pretty effective in my limited game play with it, so I hope it pays off at the LVO.