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Bugeater Grand Tournament 2017

This past weekend, I packed up the new Guilliman model and my Grey Knights and made the trek to Omaha, Nebraska for the Bugeater Warhammer 40k Grand Tournament.

I went last year and had a blast and this year was no different.

Like last year, the Bugeater gives away some of the best swag, including these objective markers, custom dice, a measuring stick, a custom mission deck of cards, a patch, and lots of door prizes.

After seeing Guilliman in action in Kansas City at the Midwest ConQuest, I knew I had to upgrade my army. He's a beast. It doesn't take a lot of skill to play with him and even a guy like me can increase my win count with him on the table.

My first game I drew Trent Northington, one of the better players in the country (ranked 11 in the ITC ranking in 2016...)

He had a nasty army with all of the 7th edition formation nastiness you'd expect. The Castellion formation with a Tau Riptide Wing.

He seized the initiative on me and then kicked me in the teeth with his own Guilliman. I wish I could say I gave him a good game but it didn't really go my way except I managed to take out his Guilliman by the time the game was over.

The next game I played was one of the guys who left my FLGS for a new store in town. I played a bit better, but my dice were a little cold and I was playing timidly and dropped this game too. He had three Forgeworld Knights, Space Wolves, and Saint Celestine and managed to dodge me most of the game and I spent a lot of time running after him and not swinging my giant flaming sword of the Emperor.

Then things turned around for me. In fact, I ran the table on the rest of the games and either tabled or received the white flag from my opponents. In the end, I finished 4-2 and placed 10 in the ITC ranking and 11th in the tournament ranking which included painting and sportsmanship.

When it was all said and done, I played four of my games against folks from my hometown... It was a long way to travel to play people I've played before, but I still had a good time. Omaha is an amazing town, the Bugeater is a fantastic event and I'll be back next year with my 8th edition army in tow!

(The image of the tournament was stolen from the Bugeater Facebook page)


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