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Warhammer 40k 8th Edition Open War

Ryan and I got together tonight for a game of Warhammer 40k 8th Edition. The store had a couple of packs of Open War cards left so I bought a deck and we played the game we were dealt.

I have to admit, I had a blast!

We were both excited as we drew the cards, not knowing how our armies would play out in random game play. The nature of the game meant that we would have to out play our opponent and not rely on the optimized build. Since Ryan is just getting back into the game and still gathering models for his army, this worked out great for both of us.

New 8th Edition Open War Cards
 This was our initial draw. We also pulled two Twist cards - Set Piece Battle and Battle Frenzy - every model got an additional attack!

It made perfect sense for Ryan's Blood Angel Lamentors and my Astral Claws were happy to join in the frenzy of our separatist brothers.

Ryan brought three of the new Primaris Reivers. They can do some work.

Astral Claw lurking in the back field.
I haven't been too impressed with the new Primaris rules, I'm sure that will change when the new Space Marine Index drops, but right now I've shyed away from the big brother marines. However, after being on the receiving end of the Reivers attacks, I may pick up a unit.

The techmarine making Mars proud!
My rifle-dreads didn't work as well as I hoped this game.

Normally they do a lot of heavy lifting, but even keeping a Captain nearby and taking advantage of the healing hands/robot claw of the Techmarine, they just didn't get a lot done. I might consider giving the Techmarine a long rang weapon, or upgrading to the servo harness so he isn't wasted camping in the background.

I didn't snap a pic of them yet, but my regular-old terminator squad was the man of the match for the battle.

The 20 stormbolter shots from a five-man unit is disgusting! I dropped them in on the flank of Ryan's Kreig Death Corps units and watched them shoot-punch their way through everything they got near. I didn't have a character near them and they walked through fire.

Lugft Huron is close to hitting the table and will be joining his terminator friends soon. Having the chapter master bonuses will really add some punch. I also have 10 more terminators, still on the sprue and enough bits to kit them out as shoot or stabby versions I was going to go 50/50 with thunder hammer and storm shield and half lighting claws, but after tonight, I might go all shooty.


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