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Showing posts from May, 2020

Cobra Commander from Hasselfree Ministers

There overconfident and temperamental Colonel Zanzibar, nay Cobra Commander, from Hasselfree Ministries. 28mm. I really butchered the Cobra insignia. I need better glasses in my old age.  #cobracommander #gijoe #miniaturepainting

Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robot

Kastelan Robot pressganged into service of the Pilgryms of Erudition.  Designation unknown. 

Flesh Hammerer?

Flesh Tearer Smash Captain II. It's good to have plan B. #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #spacemarines #bloodangels #bloodangels40k #fleshtearers #fleshtearers40k

Warhammer Chibi

You're overt there talking about 9th edition, I'm over here painting for 10th! #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #salamanders40k #grimdark #inq28 #chibi #new40k

Is someone going to finish the face?

"I fawt fo da Empawah!" #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #spacemarines #new40k

9th Edition Warhammer 40k reaction.

I'm disappointed in the 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 announcement. First, I think it's too soon on the heels of the fantastic 8th edition. The constant updates after the Herculean task of releasing all the codexes was phenomenal! It may have been the most balanced game that Games Workshop has ever had.  Second, the 400 current items getting a price hikes sucks. It's already an expensive game and frankly, it's too much. Now I also need to buy another set of rules and likely codexes, annual updates, Chapter Approved, cards, etc.  Third,  the new models don't look "grim dark" (except for the Executioner.) The style guide has been thrown away.  There are a couple of standout models like Ragnar Blackmane from the Space Wolves army but the generic "locked down" poses of the Primaris marines has made the formerly character filled models very bland. I feel like quitting and putting my junk on Ebay.  I don't know... maybe. Maybe it's just a bre...

Attack from below!

Add caption I finished the subassembly of my termite assault drill from forgeworld. I've never had a model this big (especially resin) be so easily constructed, and the flash was minimal! My techpriest is waiting for the spring rain to stop to begin priming.  #warhammer40k #forgeworld #termite #admech #mechanicus 

Ork Lootas

Deathskull Ork Lootas My repainted Deathskull Ork Lootas. I realized after I took the picture that the bases had unpainted rims, so this is technically a W.I.P. #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #orks #40korks #40kork #lootas #deathskulls #waaagh 

Oldhammer Crimson Fist

An ancient brother from the Crimson Fists. He is sporting an unapproved gasmask, possibly due to local battle conditions against rogue traders. #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #spacemarines #crimsonfists #crimsonfists40k #oldhammer #roguetrader

What I'm Watching - Wargaming on Youtube

Whether I'm painting, looking for tutorials, or simply killing time, I find myself on YouTube check out what other gamers and hobbyists are up to. Battle reports are my first choice but I've been watching more and more non gaming content that focuses on other aspects of the hobby. Darren Latham is shutting down his channel soon and their hasn't been an explanation yet. Rampant speculation is that the GW overlords have asked him to turn it off out of jealousy or a contractual violation ,which makes me sad. Duncan Rhodes left GW at the end of last year and has opened his own painting academy. While Duncan's videos are practically the same as the content he produced while at Games Workshop, he's now free to use whatever model and hobby materials he wishes. It's great content and he has a very nice step-by-step process to follow along with. Darren, while not as polished as a presenter as Duncan, was producing fantastic videos. There's something about the way he ...

Judgement Day

Come see my low scores on Coolminiornot! Follow the link! According to their rankings, I'm tied for dead last. I think that is because no one has ever ranked me but I can only get better ...

Ork boy repaint

Just another of my ork repaints for my Death Skulls clan. As you can see from the battle damage to his helmet, he was shot in battle. Luckily, he was hit in the head.

My first Maschinen Krieger build and paint.

SAFS suit from the Maschinen Krieger property.  I finished painting my first Maschinen Krieger model, a S.A.F.S. suit. I love the whole line of Ma.k - SF3D kits and I want to add more to my collection, maybe I'll make a diorama next... #maschinenkrieger #sf3d #ma.k #kowyokoyama #mecha #modelkit 

Ork Boy - My, what big hands you have?

I have been repainting my ork army from when I first started 40k. This lad didn't have any arms so he got a pair of more recent limbs that are way out of scale. However, when painted, I think he kind of works. In my mind, he's the warband's pushup champion. #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #orks #40korks #40kork #oldhammer #miniaturewargaming