Catalyst Games Lab has recently launched their new Kickstarter for BattleTech: Mercenaries and is smashing those stretch goals like a PPC through a Dodge Dart. As of this writing, Catalyst needed $50,000 to fund the project but with 23 days left in the campaign, they have reached more than $4.5 million! That’s a lot of C-bills. I jumped in at the Recruit level, but I’ll likely buy a lot of the add-ons when I finally check out. Unlike a lot of other Kickstarters I’ve backed, this campaign has added a ton of cool swag to the stretch goals and it really is an incentive for more people to back the project. There are new maps, buttons, patches, “Salvage Boxes” (blind buy boxes of Mechs), challenge coins, novels, a metric $#!+ ton of new mechs and vehicles, t-shirts, comics… and there are tons of options within these choices to pick your favorite faction, clan, or merc group. Take my paycheck. All of it. Man, it’s a good time to be a BattleTech fan. Link to KS