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Showing posts from June, 2020

Dark Eldar Kabalite squad

Dark Eldar Drukari kabalite squad from the Cult of the Waking Sleeper, my Cthulhu themed army.  AND... Skari from Skaredcast on YouTube (and perhaps the best Drukari player in the world)  liked my minis! Color me pleased! 

Oldhammer and old Wood Elf paint jobs.

Throwback Thursday to my first Warhammer Fantasy Battles army, Wood Elves. It's a little embarrassing looking at these old paint jobs, but I still love them, especially the hand sculpted figures who have so much character compared to the current models.  #warhammer #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #woodelves #oldhammer

Warhammer 40k Drukari Kabalite Warrior - Dark Eldar

Kabalite Warrior from the Cult of the Waking Sleeper Drukari strikeforce. #Drukari #warhammer40k #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #darkeldar

Warhammer 40k Open War Battle Report

The enemy only saw the candle-like glow of Nocturnal eyes approaching in the darkness.  The Salamander company known as the Hellbenders launch a surprise night attack on a group of renegade Catachan, rendering their long-range firepower useless and catching them with their "guard" down.  I got in game of 40k today with my "Hellbenders" Salamander army and played Open War instead of the usual ITC format. Since Warhammer 40k 8th edition is in the lame duck phase, Open War is a really fun way to cleanse the pallet. We drew a deployment zone that had zero distance between armies and shooting was reduced to 12" total... I felt bad for my opponent Jim, and offered to let him redraw one of the cards since he was playing Astra Militarium and my army blitzes forward with flamers.  I felt like I had him on the back foot before the game started, but he thought it could be a good stress test.  Deployment was simple, I put almost everything on the front line. Jim stacked hi...

More Warhammer 9th Edition Rumors and Teases

The GW Community page info skulls have released more teasers for Warhammer 40k 9th edition. Like the other rules that have been dropped so far, these rules are dramatically different than before, and were often criticized by players in previous editions. Instead of forging a native with a D6 roll by saying you've hit a good number of people with a 6, or you were unlucky and you only struck one enemy with a grenade on a 1; you are now guaranteed minimums.  Meh. It's just bending to the whim of tournament players who whine about math during games of space knights and space fungus. There's a push to mitigate risk by removing randomness and I find how it's written to be clunky.  It's written like computer game code but processed at the speed of human gamer: if/then model = 10, then shots = 6d+2 (BuT tEMplAtEs SloW tHe GaME doWn and dICe are t0o RanDoM...) If GW wanted to be bold, they should scale a grenade attack to 12-inch range and 6d6, S8 attacks. Make a basilisk 50...

Ironsleet Invitational: I was accepted!

Yesterday I read the fifth and final post from the Ironsleet Invitational III and I was gobsmacked to find my post among the other great entries.  Needless to say, I'm thrilled to make the cut among all of the posts from much more talented creators than I. I owe Lassi and all of the Progenitor crew a big thank you! You can see the other posts here:   Ironsleet Invitational 3 - part 5 Let me know what yout think! 

Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Leaks

Games Workshop and the Warhammer Community team have let leak a few of the changes coming in Warhammer 40k 9th Edition - hashtag NEW40k. (I say let leak, but they really are featuring the new info to whet our appetites.)      This is a look at one of the new new mission briefs, and at first glance, I like the approach of focusing everything off the center of the board or battle grid. I think that will go a long way to creating a "level" playing field when combined with the fixed position of the objective markers. Players, especially new players or non tournament players, will have a little more flexibility when they set up their first battlefield whether it's on a kitchen table, Foosball table in the basement, or a folding table at a FLGS. Also, note that there is an additional secondary objective, in this case, Surgical Assault. I'm speculating that most of the missions will have additional rules like this example and I feel that this will help create that "forg...