Games Workshop and the Warhammer Community team have let leak a few of the changes coming in Warhammer 40k 9th Edition - hashtag NEW40k. (I say let leak, but they really are featuring the new info to whet our appetites.) This is a look at one of the new new mission briefs, and at first glance, I like the approach of focusing everything off the center of the board or battle grid. I think that will go a long way to creating a "level" playing field when combined with the fixed position of the objective markers. Players, especially new players or non tournament players, will have a little more flexibility when they set up their first battlefield whether it's on a kitchen table, Foosball table in the basement, or a folding table at a FLGS. Also, note that there is an additional secondary objective, in this case, Surgical Assault. I'm speculating that most of the missions will have additional rules like this example and I feel that this will help create that "forg...