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Showing posts from March, 2022


The Mrs. found a pair of plaster cast Gremlins minis at a flea market and asked me to paint them up for her. I've never painted ceramic or porcelain figure before and I didn't prime them or attempt to fix any flaws in the surface... Can you file down plaster? I thought they were a cute side project. Despite using water-based paint, I plan on keeping them out of sunlight and I won't feed them after 

Oldhammer Genestealer Cult Magus

I needed a break from the grind of my Space Marines so I painted this 2nd Edition 40k Genestealer Cult Magus. Back in the "oldhammer" days of yore, I wanted a Genestealer Cult army. I always loved the pseudo Cthulhu esthetic along with the audacity to drive a limo to a warzone!

Free State GT Recap

This weekend, I played in the rapidly growing Free State Grand Tournament. I brought my Dark Angels Deathwing army, the Rampant Lions. I've been practicing assiduously with this list, and fairing well, so I had high hopes, even against meta lists of Tau and Custodes. In the first round, my opponent played an Iron Hands dreadnought heavy list and I narrowly won a high point game. It came down to the last turn and I eked out a win.  My second game was against another Iron Hands list with Forgeworld landraiders, a Leviathan, and an Astraeus Super Heavy! I previously played Colin from the Denver Trolls in another GT and he stomped me then, but we played a razor-thin game this time and I lucked into victory on the last turn. It's one of those games I'm going to remember for a long time.  The best part though it was broadcast on Wargames Live! Watch day 1 on YouTube My game starts around the 3:40:00 mark. My third game was against a Harlequins & Drukhari list and it was a sup...

Space Ork Shoota Boy

A new mushroom lad is ready to join my mob!  I wanted to test the Dirty Down Rust Effect on ork guns and I really like the results.  Man, I love painting orks!

Grand Tournament Warm Up Games

I've been getting in a minimum of at least one tournament preparation game a week for the upcoming events in my area. This season, I'd like to avoid chasing the meta and score the six games with Dark Angels. Although I'm not certain that I can (or want) to play in one of the big majors, I'd like to push for a great faction score and hobby track.  The practice games are going well. I've recently beat new Tau and held my own against Custodes. Grey Knights still give me problems and I haven't been able to beat GKs that dodge around me and throw smite bombs. I'm running Litany of Faith on my Chaplain to help mitigate the massive amounts mortal wounds that each new army seems to be able to throw around these days.  The Deathwing list tends to be a little boring to play though and my strategy is basically castling up, not making eye contact, and scoring my points. It's working well and I'm winning the vast majority of my games ... although I constantly fee...

Dark Angels Deathwing Terminator Sergeant

  Another Brother Sergeant is complete and ready to join the Rampant Lions! 

Cargo Containers from Reaper Miniatures

I picked up a bottle of Dirty Down Rust effects and tried it out on some cargo containers from Reaper Miniatures and I love it! The weathering is very realistic and easy to use. You just shake well and apply it where you want rust. It's faster and easier to apply than other oil-based rust or grime products because it's water based. The rust effect substance is very gel-like right out of the bottle, but it's water soluble and thins very easily. The gel turns more orange in color the more you thin it and it becomes almost yellow when thinned to a wash consistency.  It can also be reactivated a couple of hours later. I thought some areas I applied it had some unnatural edges so I used a wet brush to moisten the gel and feather the effect out. I'm looking forward to adding more realistic rust to my Orks and other terrain projects.  These cargo containers from Reaper are an excellent replacement or alternative for GW's overpriced boxes. They are the same dimensions and t...