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Grand Tournament Warm Up Games

I've been getting in a minimum of at least one tournament preparation game a week for the upcoming events in my area.

Dark Angels Deathwing

This season, I'd like to avoid chasing the meta and score the six games with Dark Angels. Although I'm not certain that I can (or want) to play in one of the big majors, I'd like to push for a great faction score and hobby track. 

The practice games are going well. I've recently beat new Tau and held my own against Custodes. Grey Knights still give me problems and I haven't been able to beat GKs that dodge around me and throw smite bombs. I'm running Litany of Faith on my Chaplain to help mitigate the massive amounts mortal wounds that each new army seems to be able to throw around these days. 

The Deathwing list tends to be a little boring to play though and my strategy is basically castling up, not making eye contact, and scoring my points. It's working well and I'm winning the vast majority of my games ... although I constantly feel the alure of Orks, Space Wolves and Salamanders.

I also keep daydreaming of taking my Salamanders to a massive point level with hundreds of models, like the pics you see with players who have tables full of orks, or an entire company of Space Marines. My army A.D.D. just keeps me bouncing between projects. There's just so many things I enjoy about the 40k setting that I just want to play it all.


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