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Cargo Containers from Reaper Miniatures

I picked up a bottle of Dirty Down Rust effects and tried it out on some cargo containers from Reaper Miniatures and I love it! The weathering is very realistic and easy to use. You just shake well and apply it where you want rust.
It's faster and easier to apply than other oil-based rust or grime products because it's water based.

The rust effect substance is very gel-like right out of the bottle, but it's water soluble and thins very easily. The gel turns more orange in color the more you thin it and it becomes almost yellow when thinned to a wash consistency. 

It can also be reactivated a couple of hours later. I thought some areas I applied it had some unnatural edges so I used a wet brush to moisten the gel and feather the effect out.

I'm looking forward to adding more realistic rust to my Orks and other terrain projects. 

These cargo containers from Reaper are an excellent replacement or alternative for GW's overpriced boxes. They are the same dimensions and the lids come off for actual storage. They cost about 50-percent less than the James Workshop version.

#dirtydownrust #reaperminiatures #miniaturepainting #miniatureterrain #grimdark


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