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Showing posts from 2021

40k Space Marines Chaplain

Here's the Interrogator-Chaplain for my Rampant Lions custom Space Marines chapter.  He's converted from the Death Watch Ultramarines Chaplain and carries the Teeth of Terra. Typically, I've been upgrading him to Master of Sanctity with the Litany of Faith and Mantra of Strength and he's been a beast for my opponents to sweep deal with, but he's died every game. #grimdark #warhammercommunity #blanchitsu #28mm #inq28 #spacemarines40k #adeptusastartes #new40k #astartes #homebrewchapter #miniaturepainting #terminator #darkangels

More Space Marine custom chapter

Here are a couple more test models for my custom Space Marine chapter, the Rampant Lions.  I like where these are headed so I've ordered some custom 3D lion symbols for their chapter markings and I'll get those added once the weather is better.  #grimdark #blanchitsu #spacemarines40k #astartes #40kterminators #homebrewchapter #new40k #Warhammer40k 

New Space Marine Custom Chapter Test Model

This is a test model for my new custom Space Marine chapter, the Rampant Lions. I'd like the idea of "space knights" and I want to lean into the imagery from Arthurian legend with more banners, flags, etc. I'll post more fluff about the chapter as I flush it out.  Honestly, I'd rather paint more Astral Claws but they were wiped out before Primaris marines were introduced and I don't want to break fluff just to play with the new models. Frankly, Primaris marines are mostly better choices as game pieces but it seems apocryphal to add the new models and I can't bring myself to do it. It's a fictional future, but damn it, there are rules!  I like the green, silver, and gold combination as a color scheme. I'd love to add more checkers, but I'm not as adapt at painting them as I'd like but practice will make perfect.  Let me know what you think!  #grimdark #warhammercommunity #blanchitsu #28mm #inq28 #spacemarines40k #adeptusastartes #new40k #ast...

Maschinen Krieger Gacha-nen Kauz

A Maschinen Krieger Gacha-nen Kauz model I recently finished. I'm waiting for my 1/20 Raccoon re-release and I thought this little guy would be fun to warm up on. I lost a couple of bits during the priming process though... #miniaturepainting

No Retreat Legends Winner, Winters SEO

I know I've been down on 40k lately and venting my frustrations to anyone who will listen ... but Winters winning the No Retreat Legends with a mostly first-born list has renewed my faith in 40k. He played top players - who brought top-tier armies - and won, including victories against Lawrence the Spider, Stephen Box, and Adrian from TT Titans. David beat Goliath(s) and I've never been happier for someone else to win a few games of 40k! Flat Cap Legion! Also, big love to SN Battle Reports for staging such an epic event. Well done and I hope to travel to Gibraltar for a No Retreat tournament someday. Here's his video explaining his army, tactics, and thoughts behind his list.  Here's his list: WINTERS SEO ++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Dark Angels) [87 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++ Deathwing Vanguard Detachment [3CP] Detachment Command Cost [-3CP] + Stratagems [-1CP] + Stratagem: Honoured by the Rock [-1CP] + HQ [-1CP] + Interrogator-Chaplain [-1C...

Warhammer 40k Community Survey

The fine folks at Games Workshop appear to be listening to informal fan feedback and have created a survey to get formal player feedback on the state of Warhammer 40,000. They posted a link to a survey on the Warhammer Community page and has a few telling questions.  Among the questions asked are: How long have you played?  What type of games, competitive etc? Points or power level?  What you enjoy about the game? (Out of the 10 answers available, painting minis isn't an option.) Where do you shop for games? Ranking the game's complexity. Thoughts on building armies.  Opinions on strategems. You can take the survey here : Linkage to Warhammer Community survey I don't know what info they hope to glean that couldn't be figured out informally from other online feedback but this at least has the appearance of GW doing their diligence to make a game that responds to player's demands/ wishes. I, for one, used the blank, "tell us your thoughts" box to vent. Hopef...

Battletech Madcat Mk3

Battletech Timberwolf in Clan Wolf colors. That's a Mad Cat for those from the Inner Sphere.  In 40k terms, this model brings dakka on a fast stompy murder mech. #battletech #madcat #miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming #fasa #clanwolf #catalystgamelabs #blackpantslegion

40k RTT Results

40k has become one of my least favorite games. It's turned into a slot machine of re-rolls. I played in a RTT today, I went 0-3. I only played 1 complete game, and the last game only went 1.5 turns ... The moment I broke up with Game Workshop was during the turn my opponent clenched a fistful of dice, needing 2s to hit, rerolling 1s. He then needed 2s to wound, rerolling 1s with 6s exploding into mortal wounds. I didn't get to roll any dice.  Ug. I canceled my Las Vegas Open tickets, canceled my trip to Nevada, and I'm feeling really sour. 40k is just not fun for me. I think I just need to stay with narrative play and avoid the trappings of "win-at-all-costs" games. I know it's a me problem.  On to Battletech! 

Burnout and the Las Vegas Open

Good news! I recently purchased a ticket to the 2022 Las Vegas Open Warhammer 40,000 Championships, The Warhammer 40,000 Sunday RTT (because I doubt I’ll be playing Sunday on the top tables), and the obligatory “Convention Pass” or “FLG Prints Money Pass.” Bad news! I’ve never been more burnt out on playing Warhammer 40k in my life. I was super psyched to get my tickets to the LVO because I’ve had a blast in the past, I was bummed to not go last year, and I’ve been playing a lot of competitive 40k recently and I feel like I’ve leveled up enough that I really want to take a shot in the big leagues. I’ve toyed around with a couple of armies, including Ad Mech, Orks, and my Salamanders but I’ve been enjoying playing my Space Wolves the most in recent weeks. I’ve been reading the Space Wolf Omibuses (omnibi?) and I can’t get enough of the Vlkya Fenryka lads. When I start painting an ork model, my mind tends to wander to daydreams of painting grey power armor and wolf pelts. I know I’ve got...

New Space Wolf Infiltrators

I haven't found it in the lore, but I assume that Infiltrators would follow the guidelines of the wolf scouts and be mustered with veteran wolf brothers and is not the training grounds for new initiates. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #spacemarines40k #new40k #28mm #Warhammer40k #primaris #vlkafenryka #infiltrator

40k Orks Shoota Boys

A few more Deathskull Ork boys are ready to loot!  These were given to me from a friend years ago, unpainted and with some questionable assembly method. I cleaned them up as best I could, but I figure you can't really notice the flaws in a giant mob.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #new40k #orks40k #spaceorks #deathskulls #Warhammer40k #28mm #40korks #waaagh

El Diablo, Wrestler from Reaper Miniatures

A new challenger has appeared! From parts unknown, it's El Diablo, Pro Wrestler from Reaper miniatures. Personally, I love the El Santo, Blue Demon, Mil Mascaras, and other luchadore movies from the 60s and 70s. When I found this mini, I had to paint him, even if I don't have a game for him. I found the face a little challenging for my old eyes. The smaller, non "heroic scale" model really tested my failing vision and coffee-shaken hands.

Cleaning HQ

  My wife and I have been ripping the old carpet out of the Secret Underground Atomic Bunker and it forced me to clean and organize my paint station.  It hasn't looked this clean in years! Next, I plan on adding an architect's lamp for better light.

Space Wolf Assault Intercessors

These Assault Intercessors are ready to replace a Blood Claw unit in my Space Wolves army. I've decided to change from the Sea Wolves Great Company and just make my own custom successor chapter/ Great Company. I don't have a name yet, but I love the Stormcast Eternals lightning bolt as a chapter badge. They also need a few more wolf bits and chains glued on, these are too stock. I've been playing my Wolves with the successor chapter tactics of Whirlwind of Rage for exploding 6s in hand to hand and Hungry for Battle ('cause I'm hungry like the wolf) for +1 advance and charge.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #new40k #Warhammer40k #spacemarines #spacewolves40k #40kspacewolves #spacewolves #vlkafenryka

A halfling army? You've got my pitchfork!

They've only gone and bloody done it! A halfling army from Mantic games!  I've never wanted an army more than this! I only wish the cavalry rode ostriches.  I haven't played a fantasy army game in many a moon and I've been tempted to try Sigmar, but it's just not flavor of fantasy i enjoy with the silly names and copywriteable designs. The last army- scale fantasy game  I played was WHFB in the sunset days of 8th edition, but I have painted a few models since and I've felt a longing for my early days in miniature war gaming. Warm up my credit card! 

Space Wolf Infiltrators

These fellows are ready to join my Sea Wolves army!  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #spacemarines40k #new40k #28mm #Warhammer40k #dreadnoughts #wulfen #seawolves #vlkafenryka

Tournament Recap

What's the objective in games of 40k? Hold the objectives.  I played in a 1,000-point 40k tourney today. In the first round, my Hellbenders faced of against Danny and his Crimson Fists and I effectively talbed him in turn 5 for a 20-point win. I also nearly tabled my second opponent,  Eli and his Nurgle daemons. He only had 2 nurgling bases left, and 1 wound left on a herald. I hadn't lost a model and only suffered 2 wounds on a Repulsor Executioner... I lost the game 72 - 50. Uffda. In round three, I also tabled Jesse's Slaneesh daemon/ Chaos Space Marine force at the top of turn 5. But I lost 62-64. I effectively killed every model I faced the entire tournament, and I only lost 7 models in the whole event, but I lost.  Why?  I didn't cover the primary objectives. The secondaries were troublesome too, but having so few models to cover primary objectives dug a hole I couldn't climb out of, even if I killed every other model I faced.  Luckily, the store I played ...

Ork Shoota Boys ready for the mob!

"Pull the trigger until it goes 'click.'" These ork shoota boys are repainted and ready to mob up! #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #new40k #40korks #orks40k #deathskulls #waaagh #dakka #28mm #warhammercommunity #Warhammer40k 

Deathskulls Nob with Power Claw

This Deathskulls boy looted a power claw and promoted himself to nob. #IAmThisModelYearsOld #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #40korks #orks40k #deathskulls #oldhammer #orks #28mm #28mag #spaceorks #roguetrader #new40k

Space Wolves Murderfang

My Space Wolves Murderfang Dreadnought conversion is ready to field!   #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #new40k #Warhammer40k #spacemarines #spacewolves40k #murderfang #28mm #astartes

Rogue Trader Space Ork

Boaz the Beakie-Break'a has received a new coat of paint and is ready to loot! Man, painting orks makes me happy. And yeah, this is an old Space Orks Citadel model from the early days.  #IAmThisModelYearsOld #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #40korks #orks40k #deathskulls #oldhammer #orks #28mm #28mag #spaceorks #roguetrader #new40k

Custom Space Marine Chapter: the Pale Horsemen

  An Intercessor Sergeant in my custom chapter, the Pale Horsemen. The first test model in a repaint project to convert my White Scars into my own chapter. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #blanchitsu #spacemarines40k #astartes #homebrewchapter #28mm #28mag

X-Files CCG Revisited

The 90s were a great time for the gaming industry, including the birth of the collectable card format. Companies were vying to make the next Magic the Gathering and licensing properties like Star Trek, Star Wars, Highlander, and other pop culture/ nerd culture properties to cash in on a fanbase hungry for collectables and gaming. One CCG was based on one of my favorite TV shows, the X-Files. I recently reread a Kevin J. Anderson X-Files novel, and feeling a little nostalgic, I dug around for my old X-Files ccg cards, but a lot of time has past since 1996 and they couldn't be found. So, eBay to the rescue!  Oh man, this brought back some memories! For those who have never played, or even heard of it, the X-Files ccg plays like a game of Clue where investigators move to locations, solve challenges to ask opponent's questions about an X-File they have selected.  Of course, the game features images, characters, locations, and themes from the first two seasons of the show. I tried ...

Space Wolves Wulfen Dreadnought

Honored Brother Ragmar Stormboarder of the Sea Wolves great company, showing off his frost weapon.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #spacewolves #spacewolves40k #spacemarines40k #new40k #28mm #Warhammer40k #dreadnoughts #wulfen

Ork Shoota Boy

A rare picture of an ork aiming down the sights of his shoota. No word if he hit his target but rumors suggest the firearm was later used as a club.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #new40k #40korks #grimdark #orks #ork #warhammercommunity #greenskins

Grand Tournament results

This past weekend I made my nearly annual trek to Omaha for the Bugeater Grand Tournament. I have been play testing the heck out of the Hellbenders in preparation and I felt pretty good about my chances for a top 10 finish, even against Dark Eldar. The Drukhari nerf came after the deadline for submitting lists, so they were in full shenanigans mode. However, I have been playing well against all flavors of Eldar, including Harlequins and I was feeling confident in my list. The Bugeater GT is a fund raiser for a high school debate team and is normally held in the high school’s gym. Due to some facility issues, the tournament was held throughout the school in hallways and classrooms. It was nice to be spaced out but not all the tables in classrooms had air conditioning and it was nearly 100-degees in Omaha that day. Gamers being gamers, it was a swampy venue to say the least. Plus, my stomach problems flared, and I was running to the restroom between rounds. In the two available stalls, o...

Salamanders Display Board

My Salamanders shrine for my display board is completed. The Hellbenders have an icon to symbolically defend.  I'm leaving today for the Bugeater GT today and this is just a little decoration to help my army stand out at a tournament. I really like the braziers and I think I'm going to make more to use as markers for "Raise the Banners High" secondary mission objectives. I imagine Salamanders setting things on fire as a token of ownership. #displayboard #miniaturepainting #salamanders40k #28mm #spacemarines40k #bugeater #bugeatergt

Adrax Agatone

Adrax Agatone has joined my Salamanders army, the Hellbenders. He's a fun model to paint, I would have liked a helmet option though. On the battle field, he's been decent and I'm likely to take him as my warlord at the Bugeater tournament in June.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #salamanders #salamanders40k #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #adraxagatone #adeptusastartes

RTT Tournament results!

  I played in a small RTT in Holton today and went 2-1, finishing 5th and beat one of the top players in our conference! (I sqeaked by with a 1-point victory...) I may have been able to beat my second opponent if had I made better selections for secondary objectives. In hindsight, I could have easily won but no matter how I plan for games on paper, there's no better teacher than experience.  I'm tuning up my list for the Bugeater Grand Tournament next month in Omaha and I think I'm getting close to my final list. It's not anything really nasty, but it's just solid, durable units. I'm digging it. 

Homebrew Matt Medium

I played Breaking Bad and did some chemistry in my kitchen to make @mwminis bootleg matt medium. I even pre-mixed some Agrax Earthshade. I used about 1/10 of the bottle of matt medium so I estimate that I've got another 45 that could be mixed up.  Take that Lahamian Medium!  D.I.Why not?

Death Company Dreadnought

A recently finished Death Company Dreadnought!  Dreads are one of my favorite things about Warhammer. Nothing exemplifies the setting more than a dead warrior placed in a coffin/battlesuit to continue his service to his God Emperor beyond the grave. Grim dark indeed! #bloodangels #deathcompany #grimdark #astartes #spacemarines #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #dreadnought #28mm

Space Wolves Murderfang Conversion

I made a simple conversion for my Murderfang dreadnought. It's not very complicated, but I like it more than the stock head.  My dreadnought only army from 5th editing is updated and almost finished!  #warhammer40k #spacewolves40k #spacewolves #new40k #conversion #murderfang

Deathskull Ork Boy

This Deathskulls Ork boy is ready to mob up after testing my new photo rig. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #new40k #28mag #orks40k #spaceorks #deathskulls #waaagh

Nocturn and Prometheus - Time of Trial

  The Salamanders homeworld, Nocturne and it's moon Prometheus, during the "Time of Trial." Both are classified as Death-Worlds by the Imperium. Once every Nocturne year, or 15-Terran years, Prometheus' orbit causes catastrophic geological events on both planets, causing the population seek shelter underground or in large shielded areas to survive. I just ran a Photoshop tutorial on painting planets and I decided to make my favorite chapter's homeworld. I hope I did it justice!   

Salamanders Redemptor Dreadnought

Salamanders Redemptor Dreadnought,  a bullet-proof coffin for an honored brother.  #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #new40k #spacemarines #astartes #salamanders40k #warhammercommunity #Warhammer40k #dreadnought

Salamanders Assault Intercessor Squad

I recently finished this Salamanders Assault Intercessor squad from my Hellbenders army. I just realized that one brother is missing his backpack. Despite that I'm pretty proud of these fellows. I feel like my paint skills are getting better.  The techmarine is going to be pissed about that missing gear though. 

Oldhammer Salamanders Librarian

  This may be one of my longest serving models, an oldhammer Salamanders Librarian. He's had his base upgraded to modern size and the occasional touch up.  I painted this guy ages ago and it's a little cringe-worthy to post online but I think it's nice to use a watermark to see how far I've processed in my painting. I'm resisting the urge to strip him and try again. 

Small tournament results

  In played in a small RTT today. And by played, I mean, I went 1-2. Barely. I've got to work on my dicemanship and learn to roll better. I was also pretty rusty with some rules, especially the bloated objective scoring system. It's one of my least favorite things about 40k right now. So much of it is haphazardly cobbled together and it doesn't appear the rules team were working together when they finally went to print.  For example, sometimes you score at the end of your phase, sometimes you score at the end of the round if you declared something in your movement phase, sometimes you don't score until the end of the game (after a few minutes of counting and dividing...) and sometimes you can't find a pen and your dumb app isn't adding all of the points correctly.  The old ITC method was so much cleaner and you don't spend 20 minutes looking at your opponent's list trying to min-max your objectives each game. I just think they needs to be simpler way ...