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Showing posts from 2019

Grey Knights - Updates please.

Chief librarian Boer of the Grey Knights company assigned to the protection of KS-34. I really hope the Grey Knights get a boost in the new Psychic Awakening books. They really only need a conscript unit to use as frontline troops, in my humble opinion. I'd like it to actually be Grey Knight "troops" as opposed to allied Imperial Guard to keep the purity of single codex armies.

Sorry Duncan, Daz is my new favorite

Not too long ago, Darren Lathem started his YouTube channel and it's outstanding. Here's his Blood Angel red tutorial. I find watching him hypnotic. He's so calm and explains everything in easy to follow steps. My new favorite painting coach! 

White Scars, ride!

A White Scars Sargent races ahead of his unit to launch a lighting-fast attack on his startled foes. The last sound they heard was laughter, inexplicably louder than the roar of an engine.  #paintingwarhammer #whitescars #warhammer40k #grimdark #spacemarines


Here's my first WIP/proof of concept for my blanchitsu style army, the Clockwork Angels that I wrote about in the previous post.  It's a fairly simple conversion with Necron arms and leg, a skeleton head, and an Ad Mech electropriest headband - all without any real sculpting needed. I've been inspired by some Instagram posters and their custom campaigns. Check out: therealbrokenfingers magos_buer koltti rougefalcon5  migsula Among many other great posters.  Also, the key words of  #blanchitsu  #ironsleet #theprimogenitor My Instagram handle is minigamerdusty if you care to follow me there. 

Picture this!

The Flesh Tearer marines are ambushed from the shadows by Death Skull Ork boyz! It's been a while since I've updated this blog but I plan to change that soon. Very soon. I decided a few months ago that I was going to box up my armies and only focus on painting and playing my Orks. While I didn't really box very much up, I did get some paint on a big hand full of boyz and lootas. Then the new Space Marines codex dropped. Wow! I was to dig my White Scars out of cold storage and begin painting and re-painting them for my updated list. Then I saw a cool batrep from Skardecast and painted on a few of my Dark Eldar. Then I found some Hellblasters I started months ago for my Salamanders and I thought their new codex will drop soon so I better finish those off... Now my desk is a big ol' pile of minis from various armies and I don't feel like I'm completing anything. Focus dropped. Enthusiasm waned. I needed some motivation and while looking up some paintin...

WIP airbrushing

Greetings from my secret HQ in the Capitol of KS-34. I've decided to give my airbrush another go after watching some more tutorials on YouTube and I'm fairly happy with the results. One tip was to glue bits on floral wire, not having ant handy, I used scrap booking glue dots and tongue depressors. I have nearly finished my Salamanders Primaris ancient as well as my Khorne Daemon Prince, El Toro Gigantes. El Toro Gigante Salamanders Primaris Ancient

Old Hammer Options

I've stripped and repainted a few of my "old hammer" models more than a few times and I think I'm going to take another stab at an army. This morning, I threw on a few coats of paint on a couple of models for chapters that I've considered. Test paint jobs for chapter options for my Old Hammer army. From left to right: Raven Guard, Salamanders, Flesh Tearers, Raptors, Mentors, Emperor's Spears I've long considered painting a Raven Guard army and the rules are really good right now but a black army is so boring to paint. I know a few people really prefer "grim dark" models but part of the attraction of an old hammer army is brightness and color. The Salamanders would fit with my 30k and 40k armies. Plus, I get a cool alternate scheme with the yellow and black salamander pattern, however, the rules aren't great for them as I feel a unit that doesn't allow overwatch is a must thanks to Tau and Eldar being so good at blunting ...

Bug Eater GT 2019 Recap

This past weekend was the 2019 (ninth edition) Bug Eater GT in Omaha, Nebraska - a fundraiser for a high school's debate team. (Which may be my favorite reason to hold a 40k tournament.) I took my combined army of Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, and Adeptus Custodes, and joined my friend Kyle, and made the northward trek to Omaha to play in the 40k grand tournament. I have dishonored and embarrassed myself again with a 2-4 record. I felt really good the first day going 2-2, but I lost two close games on day 2. In all of my losses, my opponents said they loved my army, said nothing was wrong with it, loved the paint job and display base ... but I can't roll dice for shit. I even bought another set from a vendor at the tournament to no avail. I tried to keep my head high but I was routinely missing charges and I can't even say that I had average dice. My army usually sends a pair of smash captains, a pair of shield captains on dawneagle jetbikes, and...

Midwest ConQuest Pics

The 2019 Midwest ConQuest has come and gone and I placed 44th and went a disappointing 2-3.  In my second game, I played last year's winner, Richard Windau, and his optimized Tau list. I embarrassed myself and deployed poorly, forgot rules/stats and may have been inadvertently snarky with him about using the chess clock. Richard wanted to use the chess clock (which was fine with me because I'm using AM) but he just asked me to remove a unit after rolling to hit but he hand't rolled  to wound yet. I said that since we were on the clock, he should roll to wound before I scoop my unit. Afterword, I felt kind of shitty about it because it's a bit of gamesmanship but another tournament goer said that I was fine in asking him to do so because he asked for a clock and it is in the rules to roll to wound. Also, every time I go to a tournament and get whooped, I want to play that army. I've never wanted a Tau army until now... In my small group of friends th...

Blood Angels like it hot or Desktop Assault

My FLGS got an assortment of the new Games Workshop Warhammer 40k Funko Pop! "inaction" figures. Blood Angels - unofficial guardians of java. There is an Ultramarine, Space Wolf, Dark Angel and a Blood Angel. Since there wasn't a Salamander to be found, I chose the Blood Angel to guard my day job's desk top. The little assault guy comes with a signature yellow helmet and inferno pistol to help keep my steady supply of coffee warm - nay "recaf." His hands will hold steady because there isn't a movable limb on the figure.

Midwest ConQuest and BugEater 40k GT

I've been frantically painting and testing my Imperial Soup list for the upcoming Midwest ConQuest and BugEater 40k GTs. I'm nearly done painting - just a handful of troops and tanks left. I'm still working on my backstory though. My buddy Kyle and I share an enthusiasm for the witch hunters in the Warhammer/40k universe so I'm crafting my fluff to be an Inquisitorial task force. Here's my list - formatted for Best Coast Pairings. Inquisition themed Astra Militarum fire their big guns! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Player: Dusty Dean + REPORTED ARMY FACTION:  Imperium + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 21 + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1993 + POWER LEVEL: 124 + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, Adeptus Custodes + TOTAL REINFORCEMENT POINTS: 7 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Brigade Detachment == Astra Militarum, Cadian, [ 24PL, 1078pts] ...

Amazing new Youtube channel for 40k Batreps

When I paint models at home, I usually have some 40k batreps on in the background. I've listed some of my favorites before, like Tabletop Tactics, Winters SEO, or StrikingScorpion82. Sometimes I'll have painting videos on from Miniac or Erbert Heraderp but painting videos really require more attention to what is happening on screen - while I can just listen to batreps and be entertained by the story that is unfolding. Yesterday I found a new Youtube channel and I was blown away by their first batrep; Play on Tabletop. From the perspective of a professional videographer and photographer, I think this maybe the best batrep I've seen produced. They have multiple cameras, glide tracks or some other handheld steady-cam devices, great narration by someone not playing, player interviews that are insightful, everything is in focus, music with transitions between songs on top of color correction/grading, fantastic audio from mics or booms from the players despite being in a ...

Ad Mech Transports are inbound!

This teaser literally made me laugh out loud. Well done GW. Now don't let us down!

Warhammer 40,000 Update - April 2019 is salty!

The Warhammer 40k update for April 2019 dropped the other day and the commentary is salty! You can find it here:  Link to GW Communnity FAQ I largely like all of the rules changes and clarifications that GW has made, and I still believe that 8th edition is best version of the game. Some folks have quibbled over the Deathwatch special ammo not getting the Beta Bolter rule (or new bolter rule for Astartes.) Personally, I'm OK with Deathwatch not getting the increased number of shots because they already wound on 2+. Getting close and spraying massive amounts of firepower and getting to wound virtually every roll is, frankly, silly. It's too good. Go play Candy Crush if you want to win all of the time. The only rule that really affects me is the Cherub + Hellfire shell strategem clarification. You can't use Hellfire shells or Flack Missiles, then Cherub that weapon to shoot a Hellfire/Flack again for free. The rule specifically says you can use the strategem again, how...

Las Vegas Open Recap

The last two months have been kind of crazy. I spent a lot of time building, play testing, rebuilding, and painting various armies in preparation for the 40k Championship of the Las Vegas Open. First, I started off with several iterations of my Salamanders Space Marines. I put together the roaming Aggressor mob backed by an Ancient with banner, Captain, Lieutenant. I also had three devastator squads with heavy bolters and missile launchers for those tasty mortal wounds. I also tried a similar version of the list with Gillymon and Ultramarines but I could never quite get the list to take out the Astra Militarium hoard with Imperial Knights. I tinkered and tinkered. I tried Ad Mech, my Khorne rush, and Dark Eldar but I never really felt good about any of the lists so I decided to build an Eldar list similar to one I've seen online. I gave myself about a month to buy, assemble, paint and play test my army. (Note to self: not a good idea.) Alaitoc Farseer 3 units of 5 Dark Re...