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Showing posts from December, 2014

Army List Names

I picked up the new Deathstorm box set this weekend. First, you get a nice tiny rulebook, second, you get a ton of minis, including the new character model. To celebrate, I got in a game with my buddy Chris and broke out my Death Company army. My 1,850 point list looks like this: Reclusiarch 25 Death Company - 5 power fists, 10 power swords, 10 CC/bolt pistols - 25 jump packs 5 Scouts with sniper rifles, camo cloaks 2 Dreads with MM, heavy flamers, drop pods 1 Level 2 Librarian (hoping to get invisibility) That's it. Chris knew what I was bringing and stacked the deck. He brough Space Wolves, with 6 rune priests and all of the plasma weapons he could proxy. Despite taking some serious wounds the first turn, I was nearly pulled it off, but in the end I couldn't shrug off so many plasma shots that have precience. It was a lot of fun though. I think I enjoy the, "WTF?" comments the most. One of the fun parts of tournament play is the creative names that peo...