These Assault Intercessors are ready to replace a Blood Claw unit in my Space Wolves army. I've decided to change from the Sea Wolves Great Company and just make my own custom successor chapter/ Great Company. I don't have a name yet, but I love the Stormcast Eternals lightning bolt as a chapter badge. They also need a few more wolf bits and chains glued on, these are too stock. I've been playing my Wolves with the successor chapter tactics of Whirlwind of Rage for exploding 6s in hand to hand and Hungry for Battle ('cause I'm hungry like the wolf) for +1 advance and charge. #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #grimdark #warhammercommunity #new40k #Warhammer40k #spacemarines #spacewolves40k #40kspacewolves #spacewolves #vlkafenryka