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Showing posts from June, 2023

Aunt Petunia's favorite nephew

"It's clobbering time!" Comic book collecting is my other hobby and my favorite character has always been Ben Grim, the ever-loving, blue-eyed, Thing. (The Fantastic Four also being my favorite comic.) So, in honor of new comic Wednesday, here's a bootleg Thing model I found online. I think he's intended for Marvel Crisis Protocol. That's a game I don't play but I might if the FF joins the game. #marvel #thething #fantasticfour #miniaturepainting #marvelcrisisprotocol 


I looked at my stats for this blog recently and I just passed 40k views!  To say I'm pleased is an understatement. I realize most of it's probably bots or simply picture views, but it seems like such a cool landmark for my hobby. I also know it's peanuts compared to the podcast who has the same name, but I still feel a bit of joy sharing my hobby with others.  Thank you to all of the real people who visit and read my posts! In case you're wondering, in the 10 years+ that I've been blogging, I've earned $12 in revenue - and Google pays you when you reach $100 - so really it's zero. 

My first game of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition

  This weekend, a few of us in my regular gaming group, The Sunday Morning Fight Club, tried a game of Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition. We had points, the stock mission from the main rules, and the index rules at the time of the game. There are still a lot of clarifications we need, like, “what is a battleline troop?” and, “can you really reduce a damage to 0?” but we soldiered on, stumbling and fumbling along the way. I brought my Space Wolves and I played against Eli and his combined Daemon force. I can’t speak for Eli, but I felt like we both brought a variety of units to see how they worked, interesting interactions, and some combos and tactics we were excited to try. My thoughts on building a Space Wolf List: I had a bit of a challenge with building my Space Wolf roster. I have lots of troops. I have lots of characters. However, I mostly own first born characters and I want to field Primaris troops, which prevents me from having characters join a similarly armored unit. It’s not...

Space Wolf Wulfen Conversion

This Space Wolf Wulfen conversion I recently finished painting was a lot of fun to build and paint. I really don't like the regular Wulfen kit, but mixing it with a primarus torso and legs looks better in my eyes. Let me know what you think!  I missed the Kansas City Open this year and I likely would have brought my Space Wolf successor Great Company (called the Tempest Hounds for now.)