So far, I've played games in the first two weeks of the Fate of Konor campaign from Games Workshop. Unfortunately, I've let the Imperium down. In my first game, I played Jim and his mostly Dark Eldar Ynnari in week 1. Jim was the attacker and had to get across the board so I deployed near the center line hoping to cut him off at the pass. Initially my plan worked and slaughtered most of his army, but I couldn't take down the Avatar or his Razorwing. They danced around and polished off my army in turn 6. My mistake was deploying too close to the center with a gun line. I should have "stuck to my guns" and camped in the back. A turn more of dakka might have been the difference for me. I played Kyle in week 2 and his Death Guard (before the new codex.) I brought nearly the same army as before and I played a lot better. At the end of turn 6, Kyle had lost all of his army except two plague marines. I had only lost my infantry models but the way the poin...