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Showing posts from July, 2022

40k Rogue Trader Salamanders Squad

Squad Goals! Road to LVO 2023 Post V RTB01 Salamander Space Marines Squad I repainted and ready to burn heretics in the name of the Emperor! 

Showme Showdown 2022 Tournament Recap

With the success I had at the Midwest ConQuest, I bought a ticket for the Showme Showdown 2022 Warhammer 40k Grand Tournament. I went 2-3 at the ConQuest, but with two games lost by a single point, I would probably have been on the final table (two points!) I was so close to a top finish I could taste it, and with my Dark Angel Deathwing list scoring a lot of points, I wanted to keep my momentum going to earn a podium finish.   Just before the Showme Showdown, GW dropped a couple of bombs with Chapter Approved Nephilim, point corrections, and FAQs that dramatically changed the competitive scene of Warhammer 40k. The tournament organizers wanted to run the Nephilim missions and list building format (6 CPs, pay for Warlord Traits and Relics, new secondaries, etc.) and there wasn’t much time to playtest a new army or even adjust my current list. The FAQ for Nephilim hasn’t been released yet and I was a little annoyed about adopting the new format so quickly, but I had to soldier on. ...

Huge Compliment on Painting!

 Next Level Painting superstar, Kenny Boucher like one of my models and started following me on Instagram! I feel like I won a painting award! It's like I got a "Yo Dawg" award.

Salamanders Terminator Rogue Trader

  The Tactical Dreadnought armor - or Terminator armor as it's now known - is the workhorse in most of my Space Marine armies, including my Rogue Trader Salamanders. 

40k Rogue Trader Squat

I recently sold off my Squat army, but this was 1 of 2 figures I kept for the nostalgia. He was a ton of fun to paint too.

40k Salamanders Tactical Marine with Flamer

If you don't have a flamer, can you call yourself a Salamander? 

Salamanders Rogue Trader SGT

Road to LVO Post IV I just finished touching up this Sergeant with power sword in my Rogue Trader Salamanders army. I'll probably add some glow from the power sword and dust effects to his boots, but there's something so pure about the clean paint job of 90's minis.