Last week I ordered an army-sized lot of bases from Secret Weapon miniatures for my Chaos Daemon list and they arrived yesterday and I couldn't be more pleased! They are less expensive than Micro Art's bases and while a few bases had spurs of flash still left along the edges,it was nothing more than you'd find on a regular Games Workshop base. I couldn't make up my mind on which style of bases I wanted, so I just ended up mixing and matching between desert mesa and desert wasteland. Not having purchased any Secret Weapon materials before, I didn't want to blindly order a theme that might be filled with bubbles and flaws and then be forced to spend hours fixing imperfections on a complex design or base. Now that I'm familiar with the quality, I'm seriously considering ordering the Trenchworks or Flagstone sets for my White Scars. Tonight I sanded down most of the biker bases, a couple of others and green stuffed my Fateweaver model. Lucha Domo looks on in...